Why an architectural model?


This is the main question that must be answered before all the others because in this way we will be able to create a successful model. Many architectural models fail because the reasoning
behind their construction is lost. The model must be verified with a computed view, and this role often falls to the model maker to gather the information necessary to define the purpose of the model or its underlying assumption.

A series of questions that allow you to study the hypothesis are the increments by which a model can successfully reach its goal. It takes a full understanding of these for the model to be understood, so the model’s time, energy and purpose will not be wasted.

The result is positive when a design study is clarified by creating the model, and when the model has fulfilled its mandate of representing a design as well as drawing conclusions regarding the
design or planning.

By exploring its different approaches, the architectural model sheds light on what can be achieved, and questions can be analyzed early on, before the construction process begins.