Port-Cartier : 3D realization

Port-Cartier : 3D realization

3D image creation:   Realization of the 3D modeling of the future recharge* for the city of Port-Cartier. The city is in the process of citizen acceptance for the ideas offered by the city planner. It must be said that presenting a figure and line diagram made on...
3D Model for FMQ

3D Model for FMQ

The Federation of Quebec Municipalities (FMQ) needed our 3D modeling services. We were able to create a 3D version of the: Grave des Îles-de-la-Madeleine. For this project, we had to give the reality of impacts of an urban planning project for the protection of...

Notre-Dame de Paris Model

For this project, we wanted to demonstrate that we were able to make a model of a transportable size for architects without losing quality or architectural details. To achieve this, we printed the resin model allowing the combination of a transportable and detailed...